Ramadan Events At The Islamic Association of Greater Hartford

Assalaamu-alaikum dear brothers and sisters!
The blessed month of Ramadan is almost upon us! I would like to wish each of you a very blessed month and ask Allah (SWT) to forgive all of our sins and enter us into Jannah through his mercy.
I would like you to be aware of some of the programs at Berlin masjid this month:
The Fiqh Council of North America have decided that the first of Ramadan will be on Tuesday the 9th of July. Although there are different methodologies for beginning our fast we will adhere to the fiqh council recommendations but the final decision will be made on Monday after Esha salat. Taraweeh will follow immediately after Salat-ul-Esha on Monday the 8th of July.
There will be baby sitting organized daily during the month of Ramadan from Esha until the end of Taraweeh. Children will not be allowed to run around and disturb the spirituality of the prayer service. Please enroll your child if he/she is not going to be praying so that we can all enjoy this time. Taraweeh will be led by Imam Refai Arefin.
There will be community Iftar organized by the masjid every Friday and Saturday starting Friday the 12th of July.
On Saturday the 13th of July from Dhuhr Salat till 3pm there will be a Qur’an workshop to explain the rules of a Qur’an competition for memorization, recitation and learning of the Quran. The competition will be on Saturday July 28th from Asar to Maghrib. The award ceremony will be on August 3rd between Maghrib Salat and Esha salat.
There will be a youth program on Saturday July 13th from 3pm to Iftar. Imam Sohaib Sultan (chaplain at Princeton University) and Sr. Arshe Ahmad with Imam Refai Arefin will coordinate this.
The masjid fundraising dinner will be on July 27th from 6pm to Iftar – Inshah-Allah
There will be Qur’an recitation and tajweed classes every Monday and Thursday from 5pm to 6:30pm. Brothers and sisters are welcome – age range 7yrs to 17yrs.
Inshah-Allah the Muslim Coalition of Connecticut Eid carnival will be on August 11th – please visit their website – MCCT.US (muslimcoalitionct.org) to purchase tickets early. Let us enjoy Eid as a family!
May Allah accept our fasting, our salat, our dua and our night prayers for His sake. May we take every opportunity to get closer to the Qur’an on this blessed month and please give generously to the masjid and the poor this month.